NZ Flowers are one of the most beautiful creations in nature. They look picturesque and make people smile.
New Zealand flowering plants have small flowers that are easily accessible to pollinators. This is compared to Australia where many plants are highly adapted to bird pollinators.
1. Delphiniums
Delphiniums (Dianthus x elatum) are a classic perennial that have long graced our gardens. They make a spectacular show in herbaceous borders and cottage garden medleys.
They can be grown in full sun or part shade, and need a well-drained soil with a slightly acid to alkaline pH. They can also benefit from an annual application of compost or a slow release organic fertilizer.
They are heavy flowers on tall stems and can droop so a good staking system is essential. They can be grown as single plants or in groups, in herbaceous flowerbeds, in a mixed border or even in a pot against a wall or lawn.
2. Baby’s Breath
Gypsophila elegans, also known as baby’s breath, is a popular garden plant that can fill in empty spaces in your garden with its lovely blossoms. It’s a great perennial that needs minimal care, and the flowers come in white or pink varieties.
It is a quick-to-grow flower that blooms in spring and continues to produce flowers well into summer. It is a good choice for filling in gaps in the garden, particularly when the flowers of other plants such as tulips and irises have finished blooming.
3. Carnations
Carnations are a beautiful addition to any garden or flower bed and make the perfect cut flower for bouquets. Their fragrant blooms last a long time in a vase, and they come in a wide range of colours.
The best way to grow Carnations is to propagate them from seeds or cuttings. They prefer a well-drained soil and full sun.
Once the plant is established, prune it regularly to remove spent flowers and encourage new growth. Fertilize it lightly with a complete fertilizer to help promote blossoms and to keep pests away.
4. Gerberas
Gerberas are perennial flowers and come in a huge range of colours and varieties. They are often used as a focal flower in mixed bouquets and can also look stunning in a vase by themselves.
They grow best in well drained soils amended with organic matter such as peat, compost or sand. They can also be grown in raised beds or mounds.
Water the Gerbera regularly to keep the soil damp during the growth period, and a little less during winter as they go dormant. Over-watering can promote fungal disease such as sclerotium rot and phytophthora.
5. Roses
Roses are one of the most widely grown flowers in New Zealand. They are popular for their fragrant flowers, strong growth and repeat flowering habits.
There are thousands of varieties – from small, single flowering roses to large, multi-flowering shrubs. They can be used in beds, mixed borders, or in informal hedges.
Wild roses can be found in many parts of the world, often scrambling and producing simple flowers of five petals, followed by ripe, edible hips which are high in Vitamin C. They are also often very attractive to birds, bees and insects, so they are an important garden plant.
6. Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums are one of the most popular flowers around the world. They come in a wide range of colors and are used for both cut and fresh flower bouquets.
They are also used to make a natural insecticide called pyrethrum, which can reduce indoor air pollution. They are grown in both outdoor and indoor cultivated gardens.
They are intensively bred and can be found in spray forms with several flowers per stem, as well as disbud (single-stem) or Santini varieties. Product specifications regarding quality, size, packing and labelling are determined by the Dutch Flower Auction Association (VBN).
7. Lilies
Lilies are a very popular flower that have captivated gardeners around the world. They are an easy to grow, attractive flower that will add a touch of color to any flower bed.
Lilies come in a variety of colors and are known for their beautiful scents. There are over 100 species of lilies and hundreds of hybrids that have been bred by interested gardeners.