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Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust (MSSAT) started in 1991 in Christchurch when a client asked his Counsellor how he could go about meeting other men who had experienced similar childhood trauma. Together they formed a support group and in 1997 members of that group registered MSSAT as a Charitable Trust.
In recent years MSSAT has been instrumental in the establishment of Better Blokes (MSSAT Auckland) and MSSAT Waikato who both operate as independent Trusts but with the same principles and objectives of MSSAT. Support groups for male survivors, their parents and partners are held in Nelson and Wellington.
All MSSAT organisations offer one to one, peer and group support for survivors and their significant others. Group support and the validation from other men is very empowering for recovering survivors. As abuse usually takes place in isolation healing works well with others.
Contact details for MSSAT can be found on the “About MSSAT” and ” Contact” pages.
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